"Songs and Stories"

Songs and Stories with Damien Dempsey

The, “Songs and Stories” concept is simple. We want to encourage children and schools to make time for songs, stories and tunes in everyday life. Share our #SongsandStories to keep them alive and learn about each other’s musical history and folklore.

Damien Dempsey advocates cultural appreciation, social inclusion, wellbeing, resilience through music, tunes, songs and stories.

Scoil Cholmcille launch

Damo went back to his roots and launched, “Songs and Stories” on Thursday April 25th with the students of Scoil Cholmcille SNS in Donaghmede. The students have already created their own Dúchas archive of stories from family and local history which they will be presenting on the day.

Inclusion, respect and kindness are at the heart of the school’s ethos. One of the highlights of every school year at Scoil Cholmcille is Multi-cultural Week, when pupils, teachers and parents of as many as 30 different nationalities come together to celebrate the cultural diversity shared by the school community.

About the “Songs and Stories” project

We believe that the project will encourage cultural understanding among students throughout the country and help grow empathy, friendships and encourage a greater sense of community. The idea is also to show what fun used to be like in real life without phones.

In the words of Damien, “Music is about healing, community and hope. It’s a way of life.” 

Together we can make the world a brighter place, one song and story at a time. Together we can give songs like, “Rare Ould Times” a new lease of life.

Irish and international traditions, customs, songs, stories and language can be integrated into the classroom and community groups. Schools and community groups could also would draw on the Dúchas archives and encourage children to talk to older generations to find out more about their our heritage. 

Munster Music Academy support

We are delighted to welcome the team from Munster Music Academy as sponsors and partners. MMA is committed to nurturing musical potential and offer a warm, creative, inclusive and musical environment for all, in their academy (Killaloe, Co.Clare), at their digital music academy platform and through their schools program TEMPO: Bringing music into the classroom, designed to engage, encourage and inspire children to enjoy music throughout their entire life. The duo behind MMA, Tara Doolan and Pius McGrath, are passionate about supporting the growth of music to as diverse and inclusive an audience as possible.

When Inspiring You reached out to MMA about “Songs and Stories” it immediately resonated with their mission to introduce music and tradition to young performers in an accessible, educational and fun environment.  Munster Music Academy, together with the support of their fantastic musicians and teachers, are excited to work with Inspiring You to make songs, stories and tunes in everyday life.

How to get involved?

It couldn’t be easier. Everyone can get involved. Whether at school, at home or in the community. Simply encourage your students, children or friends to dedicate a little bit of time to sharing songs, stories or tunes. A perfect activity for the summer holidays. If you’d like you can  We encourage you to post your videos online under #SongsandStories and share them to @inspiringyouirl and @MunsterMusicAcademy to use #Trends to promote a positive message.

Isabelle Brennan, Scoil Cholmcille teacher

Isabelle Brennan is a primary school teacher and yoga teacher based in Dublin. She believes in community, connection and creativity as being key pillars of wellbeing, and strives to foster such experiences in her classroom and school. In particular, the therapeutic power of music and time in nature has been amazing to witness amongst her pupils. Isabelle is delighted to be working in collaboration with the team from Inspiring You and MMA to get children around Ireland singing and story-telling! 

Help us to inspire others and create an archive of our own through #SongsandStories. In no time at all it’ll be like the “Rare Ould Times” all over again!

Exciting video launch

Stay tuned for updates of the video premiere of Damo’s visit to Ms.Brennan’s class and his sing song with over 200 students from St.Cholmcille’s SNS. Songs, stories and craic guaranteed!

Media partners:

Kamil Krolak of KamilFilms is our long established media partner. He capture the music, memories and songs from Damo’s visit and will share them with a wider audience – inspiring them to dream of, “Songs and Stories”.

Need more information?

If you’re a teacher, principal or community leader who would like to get your class or group involved, Munster Music Academy is working with their TEMPO schools programme team to develop a resource to help you create #SongsandStories for your group/classroom. 

If you have any questions, suggestions or simply would like to share content you can contact philip@inspiringyou.ie Our team are only too happy too help.

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