How 15,000 people singing “The Galway Girl” Inspired us!

As with many great ideas it all started with a coffee and a chat among friends.  “Inspiring You” is made up of five like minded friends who have known each other for over ten years.  One afternoon we chatted about Sharon Shannon and Steve Earle‘s world famous, “Galway Girl”.  We noted how it would be nice to film a video of the song with Sharon, Mundy and the people of Galway as it had never been done before.

The idea was simple

On June 11th 2016 we would invite everybody who liked the song or felt that they were influenced or connected to it in some way to come to Shop Street in Galway City and join us for a massive sing song.

“The capacity to dream big and make magic happen”

We knew it was a good idea and we are fortunate to have the supremely talented Kamil Krolak of Kamil Films as part of our team.  Kamil has the capacity to dream big and make magic happen. Together we made phone calls, sent emails and posted letters to garner support from media, the public, local businesses etc.
Galway Bay FM and The Galway Advertiser shared our vision.  We all felt that it was a great opportunity for young and old to have fun and to showcase what is great and good about Galway as we approach Galway 2020.

Over 15,000 people sang and performed Steve Earle’s “Galway Girl” live

Luckily on June 11th 2016 the sun shone, over 15,000 people turned up and sang and performed Steve Earle’s “Galway Girl” live with Sharon Shannon and Mundy.  What a day!  The video has received over 3,700,000 views and is still growing.  It was great to see so many young children playing music and dancing to the song.
That evening as we reflected on a great day we discussed the idea of forming a group to help young people to dream and engage in positive activities.  The roots for “Inspiring You” had been sown.
We hope to plant ideas to encourage young people to use social media less to do more “In Real Life”.
Watch this space for more exciting ideas and projects! #IYIRL

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