The dynamic team at Tribes Press will be writing exclusively for us on the 1st of each month. Their posts will engage and entertain and will also review quality books worth reading.
Tribes Press is the brainchild of leading children’s author, Marguerite Tonery who has written the hugely popular Kapheus series
Win the Kapheus series signed and dedicated by the author
The Kapheus books are action packed and explores themes such as relationships, love, empathy and being happy with who you in an exciting and mythical setting. To help launch the first article by Tribes Press we are giving away the Kapheus series which will be signed and dedicated by Marguerite and posted to the lucky winner who shares the link to our post on social media. The winner will be announced on the 1st of August when we eagerly await for the next article by Tribes Press.
We hope that together we can inspire young adults and children to read and write more.
#IYIRL #IYIRLWriting #Kapheus
I give you the whole world, now tell me what you would like?
Navigating through the world can seem a daunting task for a child. It’s so big, so overwhelming and there is so much to know. Through books, the child is offered the unique opportunity of exploring people and places they may never get the chance to experience first-hand.
Books can go so far as to help a child develop their sense of self in this often crazy and mixed up world.
Books show a world of endless possibility. They teach empathy, how the physical and tactile world works, how to handle complex emotions, negotiate friendships, how to listen, share and explain their experiences with others. Books build the navigational skills needed to have a sense autonomy, which children need to be fulfilled and happy in life.
Books open the door and say, “I give you the world. What would you like?”
The Kapheus series by Marguerite Tonery there is a special connection between the contemporary world and the world of myth and legend.
Kapheus Earth is a story that helps children to feel comfortable in their own skin, to bring balance to their thoughts and emotions and teaches them to harmonise with their natural world. It is also action-packed and exciting to keep children turning the pages.
It helps children to build mental strength
Kapheus Air helps children in their relationships with others. It also teaches them about synchronicity and on being flexible. It is a book that tells children that it’s alright to leave certain things to the grown-ups in their lives and not to take on adult worries.
Kapheus Water is about love, loss and togetherness. It helps children to build mental strength and to learn to work as part of a team with the people in their lives.
Show us where we came from, inspire a sense of continuity
The books of Roald Dahl create a sense that a child can take on the world and make sense of it. Historical fiction, such as Mollie on the March by Anna Carey, Spirit of the Titanic by Nicola Pierce or The Girl Who Ate the Stars by Caroline Busher open the door to this past with genuine, relatable voices, show us where we came from, inspire a sense of continuity, generating true interest and deeper questions about the world we live in now.
Understanding of human nature
In the “Murder Most Unladylike” series by Robin Stevens, we enter a world of crime and intrigue, of small detail meeting with expansive thought, and of understanding of human nature. Books by Katherine Rundell such as Rooftoppers, The Explorer and Wolf Wilder put children in the role of decision-maker, risker-taker and hero, allowing the reader to understand power and responsibilities.
Part and parcel of magical worlds
For the younger reader who wants to feel all the love and the fear and confusion that is part and parcel of magical worlds, we have several books to offer to our children.
To open up the reader’s mind to possibilities they hadn’t seen before
On a Magical Do-Nothing-Day by Beatrice Alemagna presents a child who loses a game in a pond and is faced with the prospect of nothing to do in a dreary, rainy landscape. But before too long, the surroundings open up a world the child hadn’t seen before with strange new life and adventures. This offers such an imaginative approach to open up the reader’s mind to possibilities they hadn’t seen before.
Intimate picture of the natural world
The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis and Gwen Millward invites the child into a world of small things. Emily Hughes’, The Little Gardener, adds to this and shows us an intimate picture of the natural world, loneliness and unexpected kindness.
Emotional journey for the reader and a fantastic adventure
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak gives us Max, a bold young boy who’s sent to bed without his supper and embarks on a perilous journey to where the wild things are. This is an emotional journey for the reader and a fantastic adventure.
With every book a child reads, they are being brought on a journey of understanding
Books can be absorbing and will teach your children the value of friendship, of understanding, of togetherness and of love. Let this summer be a time when the children in your life grow, learn and understand themselves and their environment in the safety of the book.
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