The Inspiring You Team
InspiringYou.ie is a space which provides children and young adults with the opportunity to develop ideas, communicate their passions through art, the written word, photography, video, music, podcasts etc.
The website was created because we believe that social media can consume the idealism and natural enthusiasm young people enjoy. Inspiring You is a non-judgemental platform where positive like-minded learners can engage in some of the ideas and challenges we set on our website. We would also love to receive ideas from you as to how we can improve and share different ideas and concepts.
We will have a regular platform of people from various background and age profiles who will set fun challenges as well as telling us how they found the “Extra in their Ordinary”.
You can use our website to facilitate curriculum work at primary and post-primary level where you are encouraged to try some of our musical, sporting and exciting challenges. We would love to hear from you so feel free to Contact Us if you have any feedback or suggestions.
#Inspiringyouirl #IYIRL Inspiring You In Real Life